i've been reading this book for along time...
but still not finished..hihi
this book really interesting and makes me think the other way round..
but i have a story behind this book... well, my friend Azreen suggest this book in our discussion.. mostly the discussion was about religion, so i asked her... "mane nk beli buku tue ek?..." it's because i've heard about that book but i never saw it...( i usually went to same book store..hihi) so she said " da je kat kedai buku mane2...ko try la cari..best" then few days after, i went to one of my fav bookstore.. i've been searching the books for about 10 times at the religious book shelf.. but i didn't found it.. then i gave up...i made a phone call..but she didn't answered.. so, i decided to asked the employer... hahahahahaha....funnt thing was the book was on promotion at the centre of the book store...but i can't see it....why??? because i thought it was a religious book....what a funny thing.... i spend almost 2 hours searching for that book...hahahahah....=) back then when i told this story to them, they said " ko ni....ade ke cari kt c2...ish..ish.."
back to the book..
i like one of the topic
" Remembering our differences"
without the awareness that we are supposed to be different, men and women are at odds with each other.we usually become angry or frustated with the opposite sex because we have forgotten this important truth. we expect the opposite sex to be more like ourselves. we desire them to "want what we want" and "feel the way we feel".
men mistakenly expect women to think, communicate, and react the way they do, while women mistakenly expect men to feel, communicate, and respond the way women do. we have forgooten that men and women are supposed to be different. as the result the relationship are filled up with unnecessary friction and conflict.
as for me " its true that women and men are different. that's why God creat women and men in this world to filled up each other..."