dis drama mostly im crying while watching it....=((
mmg sedey....
nation's sister yg acted in dis drama....
overall, dis drama ttg seorg gurl(seo woo) ank org kaya...(teuke kilang soju..*korean alcohol)
where she has no mom...but live very happy wit her dad and all workers...)
then, his dad married to dis bad/evil woman which is eunjo's mom (geun young)...
eun jo type like very2 gloomy and not really talk...(very diff with seo woo..which very energetic)
after years, her dad died..then berlaku la perebutan harta...(only her mom wants it..)
then lots of tears...=((
*the beauty of dis drama about how strong seo woo and her father'slove towards eun jo and her mom even though they know that they are not a good person...
and also about how love can change person heart...from hate to love...
*dis drama mmg heavy...
and another thing is the OST song in dis drama...
YESUNG from SUJU sang it...
really sad and mellow the song..
xcaye???try dgr..kompem nk dgr lagi....=((
*involve teac from 2pm also..and cinta 3 segi...weeeee~~~