uuuuuu....another korean drama..
1 of my fav suju's member acted in this drama ...CHOI SIWON~~
bestnye siwon sbb die mmg azali nye hensem!!!hahahah
so,nt boring..duhhh..
at 1st,dis drama quite boring(same responds from other EJF..)
but, then i dont thinkso...sbb siwon ensem...!!!hahaha
dis story about the most famous singer/actor end up having a daughter that he dont even know...aigoooo~~
and fortunately the ajumma (woman who called makcik..) but not really old...
working as his maid in his house....
then this ajumma jaga la his daughter..(not even 1 person pon tau..except her besfren..)
so, then he end up love dis woman (who actually has 1 daughter with her ex husband...*but he already know..)
*dis story very2 light....
so, i tgk bcoz of im part of ELF~~~
but anyway, siwon mmg ensem n best!!!!